jueves, 17 de julio de 2014

There week at school

As i mentioned in my assessment from the class today, this third week has completly changed the way i looking internet, customers and marketing....

It is a breaktrough for me to understand the conceps of digital marketing and all the implications it has.....now i believe that my main task is  that I should keep on thinking and be creative in order to apply all this new knowledge in my business.

I also learned a lot of interesting tools like the Emaze and Google Drive and i believe that this will help me a lot in my day to day business.

now I am convincente of the need of changing my perception and mindset in order to improve my capabilities and was of making business and interact with other people.

So i thank you for having the correct idea of including this class in the program!!

Third week in París....

The visit we pay to the Tour Eiffel the 14th. of July was amazing..... I have not ever seen a fireworks like that so it was a beautiful experience to me.

On the other hand, I have lived a different issues with my roommates due to we are 9 woman living together in just one room so that implies from all of us lot of tolerance and patience in order that we could interact properly.

This week to me the experience in class overpassed my personal life due  to I was thinking and  reflectioned in my business.....things that we have studied and learning in class has been arrojando my head so for me was the most  productive and fructfull week our of the three.....thank you.


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sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

Second week in. París.....

This second week was more slow and quiet compraring with the first one. We visited a lot of interesting places like Notre Dame de París, the Saint Chapelle, le museé de Louvre, L'Orangerie, Les Tulleries, la place de la Concord and tomorrow were going to Versailles and we will chance Hostal from the other one nearest the EMC. Our relationship with others is getting deeper and naturally we have had our first issues an differences in some simple things. the relationship with O. Mayra is still wonderful and I believe she is a very patience  and sympatehtic person. I also have been looking for my ticket to London but I still have not found it, and I am a little worried for that. I also spoke with a friend in Marsella and asked him to get to his place on my lástima week here and I soul like to visit la Costa azul, Mónaco and some other interesting places in the south of France.

viernes, 11 de julio de 2014

This week at school.......

This week at school we learn with Mr. Kruze that basically french laws and french goverment protects always the employee and not the employer. This is a substancial difference between México and France because in my country happens exactly the opposite. The interesting thing about this is that we have reflectioned in class  that probably this system will encourages or facilitates lazyness in people. It seems to be definetly atractive for us as a mexicans to work here, nevertheless what I have been thinking is how to implement some new laws that could improve our owns and still keeping the motivation and professionalism that we usually have. There are also some new ideas that I am about to implement or try to in my business like using anonymous CV when i need to hire someone and try to be more objective in my process.

I also learned the value of value people on what they are and on what they do eventhough they were man or woman.

domingo, 6 de julio de 2014

Learning in Paris

There is a lot of interesting things that Mr. Jean Louis thought us ......all the different Treaties....the topics and issues that countries in the EU discussed , but the most relevant to me on this week of studying was the influence of the culture, the Psicology, and nationalism has on the way of thinking of the different countries of the EU. I can hardly imagine the difficulty of making an agreement between 28 countries and the effort that everyone should do in order to understanding the others points of view. I believe that everyone in his particular point has the reason and the elements for defeating or accepting some laws or rules. But it is relevant and fabulous that this countries has found the way to understanding and connecting with each other. I with that México could belong to this grupo so we could evolve and grow.

Making some new friends

Since the first moment I think about coming to this Faculty Led I was not sure and felt a little insecure because I didn't know the people who was going to come and on the other hand the financia lisie sobriedad be because all the expenses we're going to be by my one. So one day  I spoke to Maru at the UPAEP and she explaned and clarify to me some things and cheered me Up to coming.
I have to tell you tell you that nowadays I am very exciting  with this trip , I really believe that there is a lot of chemistry and understanding in all the grup and I feel myself with the confidence and support. I also Met a lot of fabulous  people and now I have two special friends for life. We have enjoyed a lot lately in our trip to Geneve and get to know each other well, we are even planning to go and traveling to some other places together.